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News in Visual Health

Beware of viral conjunctivitis

In recent weeks, the number of cases of Viral Conjutivitis that we have seen has increased significantly."says the ophthalmologist Alejandro Tello, “This is a highly contagious disease that, without timely medical treatment, can cause serious consequences to vision.”.

According to the specialist, Viral Conjunctivitis “It is an infection of the ocular surface caused by adenovirus, which begins by affecting only one eye and then infects the second,”It is a virus that is transmitted by touching contaminated objects or by direct person-to-person contact (usually through the hands), and is very resistant to physical and chemical agents, this allows it to remain for long periods in various environments and surfaces such as fabrics. , handrails, plastics or metals”.

During the so-called incubation period of the disease, which is between 4 and 24 days, the infected person remains without symptoms, but can already transmit the disease.

Later symptoms appear “that are intense” such as redness, eye congestion, watery eyes, foreign body sensation in the eyes, some discharge and will usually be present for 2 to 3 weeks.

Dr Alejandro Tello

Dr. Alejandro Tello

The eyelids may become swollen and you may experience discomfort and blurred vision.", commented the Dr. Tello, who, given the evidence of the symptoms, recommends immediate medical evaluation “because complications and sequelae may occur with decreased vision due to corneal involvement in which small spots can form, but they can be multiple and last for months, this is the so-called nummular keratitis. In some cases there may be permanent scars.”

The treatment

For his part, the doctor Virgilio Galvis, an ophthalmologist who has been practicing his specialty for more than four decades, explained that in his experience this condition has always represented a challenge, and recently some treatments have been developed to be managed by specialists, such as antivirals, antiseptics and anti-inflammatory gels or drops, which help reduce the severity of the disease and the possible consequences.

“It is very important that during the illness the patient avoids touching their eyes and follows the recommendation of relative isolation to avoid close contact with other people and thus reduce the risk of infecting them; never share towels and wash your hands frequently, preferably drying them with disposable paper,” added Dr Galvis.

Dr Virgilio Galvis

Dr. Virgilio Galvis R

In schools, companies and public and commercial establishments, extreme hygiene measures must be taken, “This is because the virus can remain for days in many places, such as door handles, handrails and other high-contact places.”. Likewise, affected patients should avoid entering swimming pools.

During this time of outbreak of the disease, it is advisable not to touch your eyes without first carefully washing your hands to reduce the possibility of contracting viral conjunctivitis. “Applying these measures and disseminating them will be important for the protection of everyone", concluded the doctor Virgilio Galvis.

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