At the Ophthalmological Center San GiWe are committed to the field of visual health, mainly aimed at promoting health activities. educational character of promotion and prevention that allow timely intervention on serious and common diseases, promoting a Good life quality.
Alliances or Associations Users: The alliance or user association is a group of affiliates of the contributory and subsidized regime, of the General Social Security Health System, who has the right to use health services, in accordance with their affiliation system, which will ensure the quality of the service and the defense of the user.
The User Associations will be established with a plural number of users, through a public call for a period of two (2) years. Decree 1757 of 1994 article 10.
Some of the functions are the following:
1. Participate in meetings of institutions providing health services to propose and agree on the necessary measures to maintain and improve the quality of life, services and care of the user.
2. Maintain communication channels with members that allow them to know their concerns and demands to make proposals at meetings of the institution providing health services.
3. Inform the corresponding authorities and the lending institutions and promoting companies, if the quality of the service provided does not satisfy the needs of its members.
4. Disclosure of your rights and duties
5. Work on the search for strategies to guarantee the patient a satisfactory experience within the facilities of Centro Oftalmológico Virgilio Galvis Sede San Gil.