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Eye pain

Eye pain

Before talking about pain, answer these questions:

Describe the location: Eye Pain

The first thing when evaluating pain is to try to describe where it is located and confirm where the pain is located.
{12. ¿Hace cuanto se inicio el dolor?}

12. How long ago did the pain start?

A. Hours

B. Days

C. Weeks

D. Months

{13. Como se ha comportado el dolor:}

13. How the pain has behaved:

A. It has always been the same (It has not changed since it started)

B. It has been increasing (It started soft and now it is very strong)

C. It has been occasional (it is intermittent, appears and disappears)

{14. Es importante identificar si hay dolor o es otra sensación. Describa si siente:}

14. It is important to identify if there is pain or if it is another sensation. Describe if you feel:

A. Burning, as if there were lemon in the eyes. Or like it stings the eye a lot.

B. You feel dirt or sand inside your eye. (Something that pokes or pokes at the eye, garbage, as if something had entered the eye?

{15. Hay algo que le haga cambiar el dolor?}

15. Is there anything that makes your pain change?

A. Worse with eye movements

B. Worse with exposure to light

Eye Exam

Do this eye movement test to judge if your pain changes

{16. Que es lo que siente cuando se expone a la luz?}

16. What do you feel when exposed to light?

A. The eye waters, closes on its own or cannot open it

B. You can keep your eye open even though it hurts a little.

{17. Ahora bien, además del dolor presenta algún síntoma adicional en sus ojos:}

17. Now, in addition to the pain, you have some additional symptoms in your eyes:

A. Vision alteration? You must perform a self-examination as explained here.

B. Does your eye have red?

C. Do you have discharge, sores, matter in your eyes?