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Alterations in your vision

Alterations in your vision

Before answering the questions you have to be sure that your symptom is VISUAL: You must be clear that it is something that GO and not something you feel.

Solve the following seven (7) questions and take your VISUAL ACUITY exam.

{1. ¿Es por UN OJO o por LOS DOS ojos?}

1. Is it for ONE EYE or for BOTH eyes?

A. Right eye

B. Left eye

C. Both eyes

{2. ¿Hace cuánto tiempo empezó a ver mal?}

2. How long ago did you start to see poorly?

A. Hours

B. Days

C. Weeks

D. Months

E. Years

{3. ¿Cómo fue la disminución visual?}

3. What was the visual decline like?

A. Suddenly. I remember the precise moment when I started to see badly.

B. Little by little. Vision progressively worsened

{4. ¿Ve mal todo el tiempo, o la visión cambia a lo largo del día?}

4. Do you see poorly all the time, or does your vision change throughout the day?

A. It fluctuates throughout the day. Sometimes you see well and sometimes you see badly

B. See bad in the morning

C. Sees poorly at night

D. He is seeing badly all the time

{5. ¿Ve mal de lejos o de cerca?}

5. Do you see poorly from far or near?

A. From afar

B. Close up

C. From far and near

{6-Describa como es su alteracion visual}

6-Describe what your visual alteration is like

A. Do you see blurry (like in fog)?

B. Does it look distorted?

C. Do you see spots, floaters, or moving cobwebs?

D. Do you see lights?

E. Do you see the different colors?

F. Do you see double?

G. Do you see halos around lights?

{7. ¿Su alteración visual se asocia a algunos de estos síntomas?}

7. Is your visual disturbance associated with any of these symptoms?

A. Pain

B. Red eye

C. Feeling of sand in the eye

Measure your Vision

Take your visual acuity test