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News in Visual Health

Dr Virgilio Galvis creates course on Keratoconus

The Pan American Association of Ophthalmology invited Doctors Virgilio Galvis and Alejandro Tello, as recognized experts on this topic, to build a course on the cause of Keratoconus. This material will be available to all ophthalmologists in Latin America on the Association's website.

The Drs. Galvis and Tello discuss in this course the genetic influences of the disease, demonstrated with new techniques for studying the human genome, as well as the effect of external environmental factors, such as the (very harmful) habit of rubbing the eyes.

Dr. Galvis explains that it is generally considered that both genetics and trauma from eye rubbing are related to the origin of this disease (Keratoconus) that deforms the cornea and affects vision.

In 2015, Doctors Galvis and Tello, together with a group of international experts, published a review on the participation of inflammatory mediators in the origin of Keratoconus in the scientific journal “Eye”, one of the most important in the United Kingdom.

This article is among the 5% of the most cited for that year in that journal, with more than 100 citations by other groups of researchers around the world.

Furthermore, recently, together with Dr. Yaron Rabinowitz from the United States, who is a world-renowned authority on genetics and Keratoconus, Dr. Galvis and Tello wrote a review article on the subject, which was submitted to the prestigious scientific journal “Experimental Eye Research.”

In 2015, Doctors Galvis and Tello, together with a group of international experts, published a review on the participation of inflammatory mediators in the origin of Keratoconus in the scientific journal “Eye”, one of the most important in the United Kingdom.

This article is among the 5% of the most cited for that year in that journal, with more than 100 citations by other groups of researchers around the world.

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