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Fundus Course


The fundus is a technique that allows us to observe the interior of the eyeball to diagnose a disease, or to check the evolution of pathologies such as diabetes or hypertension. so it is essential for ophthalmologists and optometrists among other branches of medicine.

In its first edition for 3 days from October 7 to 9 in the Auditorium of the Carlos Ardila Lulle Medical Center, there were more than 200 attendees from universities such as UNAB – UDES – UIS, general practitioners and ophthalmologists, and national and international attendees.


The fundus course was organized by the Santander Ophthalmological Foundation FOSCAL and the Virgilio Galvis Ophthalmological Center, with the renowned Doctor Dr Rafael Mucci as the main speaker, with an academic agenda on the Fundus of the Eye, Neuro-ophthalmology, Optic Neuritis, Neuropathy optics, Retinal embolism, Diabetic retinopathy and advances in scientific research.

For the new edition, you can contact the phones + 57 6392929 to whatsapp  + 57 300 6353763 or to email cursofondodeojo@virgiliogalvis.com to reserve your spot.